Is it safe to use CBD oil for cats? Well that depends on whether or not your cat is already on a prescription medication and has been using it for years. If your cat is currently on drugs such as tranquillizers or antidepressants, any CBD for cats will most likely be accompanied by harmful side effects such as seizures or at worst liver failure. Therefore, before you give your pet CBD oil for cats make sure you consult with your vet first.
CBD for cats is manufactured in Colorado, USA! All natural ingredients are organically grown and raw. Furthermore, never use what the pharmaceutical industry calls "Conventional CBD" or" Hemp Plant CBD". That is only another term for CBD that has been modified from its natural form (hemp plant) to be processed through chemical means. CBD and/or CBD/ Hemp should not be confused with CBD oil for dogs, which is actually a non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug that is not derived from any plant at all.
In order to avoid these potentially harmful side effects, research the plant's source (i.e. hemp) and then purchase products that contain pure CBD oil for cats. Pure CBD is very powerful and is clinically proven to heal many neurological disorders, including depression, anxiety, epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. While CBD for pets is not yet available on the commercial market, there are plenty of companies providing CBD pet products on the internet. To avoid any side effects, research the companies' website information first before purchasing their products. Get the right CBD Oil Dosage for Cats or check out this CBD Dosage for Cats.
Before using CBD for pets or ordering products online, always read the manufacturer and/or retailer's product information (listed on the back of most CBD oils). Also, be aware of potential contaminants and be sure the product comes with an expiration date. It's important that you always read the label because not all CBD oils are created equal. If the back of the bottle says "nilus," it's probably not.
While CBD pet products are now available on the market, some owners choose to pursue "open source" CBD oil for cats. This type of CBD oil is made by mixing together various strains of cannabis, hemp and other plants. When mixed, oils are then pressed and formulated into massage oil. Common ingredients in this type of extract include: CBD (branched chain monoterpenoids), vitamins A, C and E, malic acid, taurine, probiotics and essential fatty acids.
Like any other medication, using CBD for cats should always be done according to the directions on the bottle. Never administer too much of the oil, and always consult your veterinarian if you have any questions about how to administer CBD for cats. With all pharmaceutical drugs, it's important that you make sure your pet will be compatible with the dose before administering. And always make sure that you administer the medicine or supplement as directed by the pharmacist or veterinarian. You can also get information and dosage recommendations from your pharmacist or vet. Continue reading more on this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE5eY__w_Cc.